Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

This blog is for Mr. Jason Fendi aka no longer Jason but Fendi, yeah just Fendi

Dear Fendi,

Hey, how are you? I'm alright, I'm just sitting here watching Run's House and it's about negative 30 degrees in my room. Anyways, just wanted to write to you since you deleted me off myspace. I would text but I did that and I didn't get a response. Anyways, that's besides the point. What's up? Does this seem cliche? Just a tad, yeah? I don't know, random people might be reading this letter to you. lol my bad. Well I mean I don't believe anyone reads my blogs anyways, and well you probably aren't going to read this either, but anyways, I learned a two new songs today. I'm really excited about that. 'Ride' by Cary Brothers, and 'Day n' night' by Kid Cudi. Ride took me awhile to learn but it's really short and simple. Day n' Night was a really easy song to learn, it took me five minutes lol. Except for it's extremely long. And instead of me rapping to the song or whatever, I'm singing it and it sounds ridiculously hilarious, like a hippie trippin on acid or something. I've been waking up really early, or not really but yeah lately it's getting on my mom's nerves, I think it's pretty funny.

Anyways, here comes the huuuuuege long ass paragraph apology that should have been said sooner? This might also sound a bit 'sarcastic' but I'm being serious. But also this seems really lame and all because no one is probably going to read this, even though it's like a virtual diary that has chances of people reading it, but here I go... Today I heard that you got over me, and that you're happy. I don't know why I waited for you to get over me for me to apologize, because this just makes no sense. I am not even sure if I waited for you to get over me. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. This might sound like words all jumble up and stuff, but I haven't really sat down to think about what to blog, It's all improv and spilling out my tiny ass pea sized brain. Anyways, I'm really happy for you and even though you don't want anything to do with me ( I know I know, "where's the apology?", I promise it's coming ) I hope you read this, if not then I guess this is pretty pointless right?

Things I'm sorry for ( that you probably could care for shit now ) :
- Leaving you that long ass picture comment about your sassyness and galore.
- Telling you very disturbing personal shit like 'pissing, shitting, and pissshitting'.
- Long distance calling ( your phone bill must have been jacked up sorry )
- Calling you Flatass that one time when Ryan told me about your dad calling you a Flatass.
- Photoshopping my pictures to make me look like someone hawt and sexy
- Making you sad because of my shitty decisions and false intentions
- Typing up this blog for the whole cyber world to see, that's pretty shitty
- Keeping you up with karaoke when you had school the next day, sorry
- Adding you on myspace because you were cute lol. I'm shallow, well I didn't even know you
- Not telling you about my relationship status right away
- Hurting your feelings and being a fucking monster
- Having sexual fantasies about your sister Jeyla
- Telling Alina about your sammich bag lotion locomotion
- Now mentioning it on here where everyone can read, if they do
- Calling you a douche-bag whore hairy butt crack licking nympho
- Making a voodoo doll of you and sticking a pin on your dick
- Cursing all the time and when you tell me that you're baking brownies
- Not being a reasonable person
- Being a casual bitch with a horrible attitude
- Swearing on your death bed
- Spreading rumors about you and your pillows
- Having sexual fantasies about your mom Amy
- Having sexual fantasies about your family
- Making you upset 25/8
- Having sex with cats
- Never being there for you, when you were here for me 100 percent

I'm sorry Jason Landon Fendi.

Falling Slowly from the movie ONCE , still shivering from the cold

It is literally below freezing point in my bedroom

8:44 am kelly clarkson sean kingston and stuck at home

Today is going to suck big time, like always I'm stuck at home with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and with every possible freedom I have is GONE. What the fuck ever. I'm bored. Today is a good day to take pictures though. Well if anyone is as bored as I am, feel free to text or call me today haha. Wait. I don't get any of those anymore. I get twitter updates and calls from Joey though. Kelly Clarkson just fell off the bar table, bahaha. I'm so hungry. Hungry like the effin wolf man. I feel like eating a whole plate of yummy pasta! I love pasta! PASTA IS DELICIOUS. Well anyways, god I'm deadly bored. The new grapefruit acne scrub is amazing. Oh by the way did I mention there is a stranger in my house, roaming around like a ghost? Freaky, yeah. 1-800-Beaches commercials are so funny. I love the song though. OH MAN, well time to take some pictures. Update later.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

MTV should be called RTV seriously

16 and pregnant has been on all day, is it a marathon or something? If so I didn't get the memo. MUSIC TELEVISION, not REALITY TELEVISION. Anyways, since I woke up pretty late today, I didn't get to go to Sam Ash to get my capo and a good deal on a trade. Today turned out to be pretty boring, and now I'm pretty hungry. Well thank my insomnia 'cause I will not be sleeping, So i'll be updating a good 1434693264 times more tonight.